is a service that provides a huge database of essays, research papers, book summaries and reviews, reports on virtually any subject, course assignments, study outlines and notes, graduate-level academic works, theses, and dissertations. We cater to students at all levels, from high school through graduate programs.

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Our Vision

When we began, it was our goal to bring students from the world over together in a common purpose – to improve their own learning and enhance their mastery of subjects. We are NOT in the business of providing works that students plagiarize and submit as their own. This is strictly prohibited, and any student engaging in this activity shall be banned on our site.

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How It Works, when you ...

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How It Works
1. Go to the order form and submit assignment requirements.
Please use our order form to submit your assignment. You are welcome to upload some extra files, your specific requirements for the writer, any additional information you consider useful to complete your order. After you submit your order you will have a possibility to communicate with your writer through messages. So you will monitor your order progress and make sure that your assigned writer is working according to your demands. It might happen so that you have any doubts or queries as to your order, please contact your writer or our support team directly.
2. Proceed with the payment. Choose your payment method.
Please proceed with the payment after submitting your order. Once the payment is done, your order becomes available to our writers on online system. Note that the time for your order fulfillment starts only when your payment is received. Your order will be assigned to our staff writer experienced in your subject. Your academic paper order will be completed within the specified time frames.
3. Check your e-mail for the order confirmation and save it for future reference.
We forward all the order-related information and the confirmation of your order to the specified e-mail. We ask you to check your messages regularly when your order is being completed. There might be some questions from your writer or from our support team. Your cooperation is strongly encouraged to provide the best quality writing.
4. Log in to your account to communicate with the Customer Support Team.
After you identify yourself on our website, you will get access to your personal account. Make sure to check it during your order completion.
5. Download your order from the link in the e-mail we send.
Once your academic paper order is completed, it will be scanned for plagiarism with our advanced software. Then your completed order is uploaded to our website, you will have the possibility to download it from your account. Your completed files will also be forwarded to your specified e-mail address. If for some reason you are not satisfied with the outcome because our writer failed to follow your original guidelines, you should request a revision for 2 days. You may settle a new deadline for revision, but please mind that it may take up to 24 hours to revise your paper.

What we Accept for our Database

Our database has been built entirely of submissions of our members. It contains essays, book reviews, reports, analyses, critiques, research papers, theses, and dissertations. Each piece is originally written by a member and is placed in the database after a screening process described below. Obviously, the quality of submitted works may vary widely, and our members review and comment on any work. Should an essay be poorly written, for example, other members will comment and make suggestions for improvement. Thus, the process provides a learning experience for everyone involved, and important information regarding improving academic works is available for all members. Works that are consistently rated poorly are deleted. The user must understand, however, that even poorly written works can still be useful. A poorly written research paper, for example, may actually have wonderfully current and relevant resources that may be used by another student writing on the same topic.

Our Review Process

Once a work is submitted, we review it. Until that review is completed, the piece is in the Pending category. Any work in this category can be read by others. Once reviewed, it is placed in the category of Regular or Super, depending on the academic level, complexity, and quality of the work.

The process of review and placement into the library is as follows:

  • It is first reviewed for quality, including organizational structure, fluency, style, and language usage. A work that is clearly inferior in all ways will be denied. A work that contains errors will still be accepted if there is important content, good references, etc. – things that would be useful to others.
  • We are scanning each work for plagiarism, using the most sophisticated software detection programs available. This provides a guarantee to our users that it is original and may be used as a reference source and also protects the author’s ownership of the work.
  • The piece is then published in the appropriate content field and product type categories, allowing easy browsing by users.

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About Our Resource Library

We have over 200,000 academic works, and that number grows daily. These works range from 5-paragraph essays of every type, to research papers of every type and length, to book reviews, summaries, and analyses, to study guides, to graduate-level research works, to theses and dissertations.

  • Each work has been peer-reviewed and is rated from one to five stars, based upon quality, content, and grammar.
  • All works are written by contributors who are current university students, students enrolled in graduate programs, or graduates, instructors, and professors.
  • Visitors of our site may browse the entire library and view a 150-word sample of any work as well as a “page view” of the entire piece.
  • Members may view any work in total and, for a small fee, may then download that work in Word format. Members also have the option of “trading” a work they wish for submission of equal level and quality.
  • Members also receive free guides for writing every type of academic work.
  • All works are categorized by content field, level of complexity, and type.
Why Use

We have members from all over the world who use our library for a variety of purposes. Obviously, the majority of our users are students who are looking for both content information and for academic works that demonstrate the organization and structure of specific types. Our library contains works on virtually every field of study, that's why it is a critical resource tool for both students and individuals who are working in a particular field. Consider what one will find through the use of our library:

1. Comprehensive information about any subject matter.
2. Resource citations will point one in the right direction when conducting one’s own research on a topic.
3. Writing styles that are academically sound that can be emulated.
4. Information that will allow one to construct content-specific presentations with factual data and statistics.
5. Study guides that will allow a student to fully understand the content and requirements of a course in which s/he may be considering enrollment.
When You Use Our Library

Obviously, the works in our library are meant to be used as resource tools for our members. With this in mind, please understand the following:

  1. You must use quotation marks around any content you quote directly from a piece.
  2. If you use content and/or quotes from our works, you must cite them in your bibliography.
  3. Do not plagiarize – your instructors have plagiarism detection software too!