1. Be sure to get basic understanding of the required task.

Do not postpone this part till the writing time starts. Make sure to go over the notes and look for the parts that may need extra clarification. The professor will appreciate any clarifications prior to the deadline. Otherwise, you may end up e-mailing your professor in panic. Keep in mind this best writing advice.

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Usually, before starting to write an essay, you will be required to read something and give critical evaluation of the material. Some of the papers need extensive research or group work. If you plan all you steps, you will be able to avoid a rush and will have extra time to dedicate to final check.

All writing strategies suggest saving time for revisions.

6 Tips That Will Help You Score an A for Your First Essay

2. Do not hope that the first draft will be a success. For it will not.

Some people may have a born skill for writing, while some may not. And if you do not feel comfortable with writing, do not blame yourself. Even people, who are believed to be writing professionals, may struggle with a specific essay.

William Zinsser, who used to teach at Yale and was a skilled writer, used to say that any writing is a very hard work. Any sentence incorporated within the essay does not merely emerge out of nowhere. Sometimes you have to get back to the single sentence for a couple of times to make it fit into the whole text perfectly. Keep this in mind at times of failure. One of his best writing advice is that you may find essay writing difficult because it definitely is difficult.

Even if you have basic understanding of how to write good essays, it is next to impossible to start with a blank page and end up with an A paper. Be it one sitting or one day, only the extensive approach results in perfect papers. This leads us to the next tip.

3. Do not underestimate the power of scheduling. .

Usually you have to start with research and reading. Only then, you may start your college essay first sentence. In the end, you will need time for revision and correction. Make sure to make breaks between these steps.

Breaks will help you keep you mind sound and return to work with new powers.

All of the abovementioned needs proper planning, otherwise essay writing may ruin you weekend.

4. Stay on track and avoid anything that may distract you.

If you are new to college, you will find it tough to find free time. College is about meeting new people. Besides, people are nowadays obsessed with the Internet. All of the above mentioned issues may deprive you of the focus. Thus, essay writing may become a challenge.

Joelle Renstrom, who has extensive experience in scientific writing and writing strategies, prepared a list of apps that may help avoid digital distractions and stay focused. In this list, you may find an approach that can be suitable for you.

5. Never plagiarize

One of the best writing advice is to avoid plagiarism. Plagiarism is not tolerated by professors. Some students may underestimate this issue, but in most colleges, it will lead to suspension or even termination. Any borrowed idea or material is regarded as plagiarism. Therefore, it is important to cite all the sources.

You can always talk to your professor and get guidance from a professional before you get in trouble. Sometimes you may not even be aware of having used plagiarized content.

6. Be proud of what you do

You entered college to improve your skills and expand your knowledge. Some people are mistaken by an idea that they merely need to finish the essay and get back to their regular life. Writing an essay is not about grades only. Doesn’t it sound like the best writing advice?

Essays help you learn how to schedule your time, organize your ideas, search for proper materials, prove your point of view and support it with relevant data. Writing becomes easier if you are interested in your work, therefore be proud of it.

These are some of the most important tips, which you need to know in order to understand how to write good essays.