Additional Services
Choose Our Progressive Delivery for Your Orders
In the event you would like your order(s) delivered to you, as each part is complete (progressively), this is a service we can offer you. When it comes to managing larger orders or ones that are more complex than usual, this method is superb. Normally, this applies to any assignment of 20+ pages (if you use double-spacing) or 10+ pages (if you use single-spacing).
Advantages of Choosing This Style of Delivery:
- Managing orders is easier – can be tracked/monitored without much difficulty. Getting a paper in sections gives the receiver enough time for reviewing each portion in detail before an entire assignment needs to be submitted.
- Longer period – 30 days - to request free revisions, which offers but only for 2 days when orders are delivered in the regular way.
- You will enjoy the help of our most talented experts – great writers to craft your papers and excellent editors to ensure all work is error-free.
- You are assigned a supervisor to manage the lifecycle of your project – someone who ensures that a) you are satisfied with the work that has been done and b) that there is always an easy-to-access communication channel between yourself and your helper at all times during the writing process.
Delivery process*:
- Suppose 4 days (or some period less than four days) is the agreed deadline: Upon reaching 50% of the time allowed, sends the customer a 25% draft i.e. for a 20-page order with a 2-day deadline, we deliver 5 pages when a day (1 day) of the allowed time is up.
- Suppose 5 to 11 days is the agreed deadline: Upon reaching 25% and 50% of the time allowed, sends the customer a 25% and 50% draft respectively. This means the customer has received 2 parts of their paper by the time half their deadline is up.
- Suppose 12 days or more is the agreed deadline: Upon reaching 25%, 50%, and 75% of the time allowed, sends the customer a 25%, 50%, and 75% draft respectively. This means the customer has received 3 parts of their paper by the time three-quarters of their deadline time is up.
What is the fee for this service? +15% on top of regular order price!
* Our diligent representatives are helpful and will always work with the customer to devise an individualized plan to meet their needs. Therefore, in case a customer would prefer to take delivery of their paper by a different route, the manager allocated to their order will listen to their requirements and work with them to reach a satisfactory solution.
Additional Services (for Shorter Orders)
The following options are suitable for orders that are less than 20 pages in length
You may request a summary of your paper from, which may be especially useful if you are to provide your tutor with progress reports at various times. Our summaries are 1-page long and their aim is to show you the most vital information from a longer document in as concise a manner as possible.
You may request 1-page drafts of any given paper from We provide these in one of the following two formats:
- If you require single-spacing, your draft will comprise of 600 words.
- If you require double-spacing, your draft will comprise of 300 words.
However, please note that drafts cannot be provided until 50% (half) the agreed deadline time is up or getting close.
Allow Yourself More Time for Revisions!
As a valued customer of our company, you will qualify for complimentary revisions but your request(s) should be received no later than 48 hours after our company delivers your assignment. You are welcome, however, to ask for an “extended revision,” which will give you more time – up to 14 days – to decide if any amendments are required!